PRF II Government counterparts
The PRF Executive Director is recruited by the PRF Administrative Board, in consultation with the PRF donor agencies. The Executive Director has overall management responsibility for the Fund, the implementation of the program and the PRF Staff and offices. The PRF Executive Director is accountable to the Government and donor agencies that provide funds for PRF operations. In his tasks, the Executive Director is assisted by a Deputy Executive Director.
The PRF Implementation Staff (PIS), through its national, provincial and district offices, is staffed by full-time consultants hired by the Executive Director to serve as PRF staff. The day-to-day management of consultant services, sub-project implementation and the overall quality of the program are under the responsibility of the PRF staff. National, provincial and district staff ultimately report to their immediate superiors, but ultimately to the Executive Director. The Executive Director may contract other full or part-time consultants to carry out additional tasks such as training, specific studies and independent monitoring as needed.
Village representatives work closely with PRF staff but are not considered as staff or consultants of PRF. They do not have any formal reporting or supervisory relationship with the PRF Implementation Staff.
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