Location: Government District Meeting Hall
Chairman: District Governor or vice-district Governor
Participants and External actors invited:
- District Vice-Governor;
- District representatives of NLCRDPE;
- Concerned technical staff from district offices;
- PRF district team and Kum ban Facilitators;
- Kum ban Committee;
- Kum ban Team (all members);
- Village Implementation and Maintenance Teams, Village Representatives and Heads of villages (only villages whose sub-projects were selected);
- Construction companies selected to implement selected sub-projects.
- Clarify and formalize responsibilities and assign specific tasks to key stakeholders from District Government, private sector (contractors) and Kum ban Authorities involved in the sub-project implementation;
- Prepare overall Kum ban-level work plan and related budget (for sub-project implementation and supervision).
Expected outcomes:
- Coordination arrangement and roles of all major stakeholders understood;
- Implementation work plan and related budget prepared. Activities and responsibilities:
- Review list of the sub-project selections and locations;
- Introduction and presentation of contractors;
- Presentation and approval of the work plans for sub-project construction;
- Preparation of the supervision plan and schedule for the concerned district sectors and the Kum ban and village implementation team with related budget;
- Confirmation of the role and responsibilities of the key persons involved during the sub-project implementation;
- Agreement on coordination arrangements;
- Set schedule for the accountability meeting.
Duration: 1 day