I. Training of Master Trainers (MOT)
Training of Master Trainers will be organized in three areas:
- Training of Master Trainers on Community Capacity Building;
- Training of Master Trainers on Preparation, Implementation and Maintenance of Sub-projects; and
- Training of Master Trainers on FM & procurement
MOT should be dynamic people from PRF central, provincial and district levels, and should have strong empathy for the poor. The training of MOT will be delivered by outside experts. Training manuals with associated tools will be developed for all three areas. The initial training will be conducted at central level, followed by subsequent training (including on the job training) at the provincial and district levels.
- PRFP principles, procedures, rules, regulations, structure and organization, the sub- projects’ menu of options etc.
- The main differences between PRF previous cycles and the present/ future ones: Feedback and Resolution Mechanism:
- Environmental and Social safeguards.
- Gender issues
- Detailed directions on how to train Kum ban facilitators and village teams including the presentation of related training material, logistics, techniques and curricula. Facilitation techniques, including the use of IEC materials, and the principles and techniques of successful adult education (including techniques for the training of non- literate adults) as well as gender, culture and ethnicity.
- Integrated rural development and poverty reduction strategies, with particular emphasis on bottom-up, inclusive planning and community empowerment.
- Financial management, bookkeeping, accounting, and contract management. Accounting methods for non-literate communities will also be covered, transparency being the underlying principle.
- Engineering and technical material including surveying, designs, budgeting, procurement, construction supervision and operations and maintenance for rural communities, with rural communities and by rural communities. The topics will depend upon the specific sub-project implemented in each village.