Strongly Monitoring and Evaluation System is needed for PRF III
By: Hatthachan Phimphanthavong
To ensure the effectiveness of the PRF work, especially, the implementation of PRF III, Monitoring and Evaluation System is considered to be a key part of the project. Therefore, a two-day workshop on Results Monitoring and Evaluation Demystified Workshop was organized by the World Bank team in Hanoi (Vientiane) during 18-19 May 2016. A total of 25 participants attended this workshop, 20 of whom are from concerned organization in Vietnam and 5 are from Laos (3 staff from PRF and 2 from EPF). The objective of this workshop is (1) to enhance knowledge and share understanding of results and M&E concepts and approaches to facilitate and the design and implementation of results-focused projects and programs, and (2) the development and use of results monitoring and evaluation systems to improve project management and track achievement of results.
This two-day training was carried out through the theoretical and practical concepts. Mohammed Khatouri is a senior expert (Operational Adviser GPSOS) of Monitoring and Evaluation system from Washington DC, who is the key trainer for this workshop. After the workshop it would confirm that this training forms an important part of the assessment of M&E practices and the build up towards a corporate policy on evaluation. If brief, a good the Monitoring and Evaluation System is a good combination among a good strategy planning with clear objective, good results-based budgeting and a good performance management. The participants from PRF stated that after this training there are three main activities: 1) Finalizing the form and set up the meeting with different division (Work with George), 2) Finalizing result framework with definition and data source, and 3) Conduct training for the key staff to be trainer for local staff and local authority.