Minutes of the 21st PRF National Administrative Board Meeting Sepon District, Savannakhet Province (27-28 May, 2015)

Posting Date: 
22 Jun 2015



Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity



Government’s Office

National Committee for

Rural Development and Poverty Eradication (NCRDPE)

Poverty Reduction Fund (PRF)                                                    Vientiane Capital, 09thJune, 2015              



Minutes of the 21st PRF National Administrative Board Meeting

Sepon District, Savannakhet Province

(27-28 May, 2015)


The 21st PRF Administrative Board Meeting was held in Sepone District, Savannakhet Province. The main objectives of the meeting were to reflect and report progress of PRF work since the previous Administrative Board as well as to request for suggestions from members of the administrative board in regards to future implementation plan. This 2-day meeting was conducted in two parts:


The first part (1) was sites visiting (27th May, 2015) which included 4 main areas that have highlights of PRF activities and historical sites with spectacular views. The visit allowed visitors to gain local insights on development activities and allowed the communities to report current status of socio-economic development of the area.


The second part (2) was the actual meeting which was officially opened on the 28th May, 2015 which was chaired by H.E. Mr. Bounheuang Douangphachanh the Minister of Government’s Office, Head of the National Committee for Rural Development and Poverty Eradication, President of  the PRF Administrative Board, Mr. Khampheuy Phanthachone Deputy Secretary Head of the Savannakhet Provincial Party, Deputy Governor of Savannakhet Province and Ms. Thipphakone Chanthavongsa Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance with the participation of members of PRF Administrative Board, representatives from various related ministries, provincial offices, representatives of PRF Central and Provincial Coordinators from 10 provinces. Additionally, the meeting also welcomed representatives from donor organizations. The total number of participants was 82 where 16 of these were women.


After the official welcoming remark by the Vice Provincial Governor of Savannakhet, H.E. Mr. Bounheuang Douangphachanh officially opened the meeting and welcomed the agenda of the meeting. This was followed by Mr. Bounkouang Souvannaphan the Executive Director of PRF giving presentation on the progress of the implementation of the agreements made in the previous (20th) Administrative Board Meeting in Attapue Province and also presented on PRF’s accomplishments over the past years.Following the presentation by the PRF Executive Director, the meeting listened to two presentations by representatives of the communities from Kengky Village, Sepone District, Savannakhet Province and from Sakok Village, Hiam District, Huaphan Province where self-help groups and village nutrition centers activities are implemented.


      This Administrative Board Meeting also considered and brainstormed for visions and implementation plan of PRF during the continuing 1-year period with the following summary:


1.      The meeting proposed PRF to continue implementing PRF 2 to achieve greatest outcomes while aligning with strategic development plan and to be an important foundation for PRF3;

2.      PRF was proposed to have further discussion with the donors in regards to the preparation and planning of PRF 3 especially on activities and coverage of the implementation as well as appointment of their staff to constitute in a technical committee. The committee will collectively study, research and design PRF 3. PRF Administrative Board will report to the government and prepare the official letter regarding PRF 3 preparation and send to the donors shortly;

3.      The meeting suggested the provincial NCRDPE office and concerned sectors to learn from the central level in regards to the coordination in order to enhance work conducts and improve human resources;

4.      The meeting proposed NCRDPE and PRF to discuss the amendments of Decree no.10/PM on the implementation of PRF in order to facilitate the ease of PRF 3 implementation as well as to go in line with development plan of the government and objectives of the donors. In combination with this, a change in PRF’s planning approach was proposed which is to have planning during rainy season and implementation or construction during dry season;

5.      PRF 3 was expected to be the model project for community driven development (CDD) and to competitively seek funding regionally and internationally;

6.      The meeting proposed PRF to coordinate with concerned organizations to focus on income generating activities in order to improve livelihood of the population;

7.      The meeting recognized additional funding from the donors in the amount of 18 million US dollars for activities implementation in 10 provinces of PRF during the continuing period until the end of 2016 (of this, IDA contributes 11.6 million US dollars; DFAT contributes 2.4 million US dollars; and 4 million US dollars by the SDC). This will cover 4 main activities which include: (1) improvement and expansion of infrastructure in the rural areas; (2) local capacity building and knowledge provision; (3) create a model of livelihood opportunities in parallel with nutrition; and (4) project administration and management. With this increased funding, it is anticipated that there will be an increase by at least 250 sub-projects. Besides this, there will be greater focus on capacity building work and deepening awareness of ownership which is considered essential key in sustainable socio-economic development;

8.      In regards to the government contribution with the amount of 32 billion Kip which will be used in implementing 110 sub-projects in Cycle 13 (2015-2016), the meeting was informed that the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) agreed PRF to begin its activities immediately while disbursement will be done in two (2) installments (16 billion Lao Kip per each installment). The first installment will be transferred during October-December 2015 and the second installment will be transferred during the same period of 2016;

9.      Based on PRF’s success and achievements, the government of Lao PDR has agreed to nominate PRF to be awarded with ASEAN Rural Development Award in October 2015;

10.  The meeting proposed PRF to consider relocating Phongsaly’s PRF provincial office to the municipal area of the province close to the provincial NCRDPE office to enhance better communication and cooperation as well as facilitate the implementation of the project;

11.  Koum Ban budget allocation should not be based only on the number of population of Koum Ban but should also consider other factors such as distance and location of Koum Ban. This is to ensure that Koum Ban in the remote areas with small number of population would be allocated with suitable amount of budget;

12.  The meeting also agreed to organize the 22nd PRF Administrative Board Meeting in Oudomxay Province. Regarding the date, time and location, this was left for PRF to consider and present to the President of the Administrative Board.

The 21st PRF Administrative Board Meeting at Savannakhet province was officially closed at 16:30 on the 28th May 2015.




Acknowledged and Approved by:

The Minister of Government’s Office

Head of the National Committee for Rural Development and Poverty Eradication

President of PRF Administrative Board


Reported by:

Executive Director of PRF