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1. The Government of Lao PDR has received grant from the World Bank, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and AusAid to establish the Poverty Reduction Fund (PRF) to improve the access to and the utilization of basic infrastructure and services for the project’s targeted poor communities in a sustainable manner through inclusive community and local development processes.The project intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultancy firm service for Management Information System - Minor Modifications Database Design.
There are four principal objectives of the consultancy:
1. To modify the MIS to allow provincial and district staff to enter data into the MIS database both online and offline; for example, when the internet signal is down or not reliable (these should then be able to be saved and uploaded later when the internet is working more reliably).
2. To add several new fields to existing MIS data entry forms and develop one or two simple new MIS data entry forms to capture key data.
3. To ensure that all forms and fields are available in English as well as Lao language (covering both existing MIS forms and fields and new MIS forms and fields). While much has been translated into an English version there are still some areas only in Lao.
4. To provide practical training to show PRF’s two MIS Officers how to do simple modifications to the MIS such as adding or changing data entry forms/functions and fields as required.
5. To highlight the specific fields in MIS data entry forms that correspond to key MIS data that are essential for reporting to Government and donors (using a different color) to ensure that these fields are fully and accurately completed (the list of key MIS data will be provided by the Head of the M&E Unit).
Further details related to selected objectives are provided below:
1. Offline data entry will need to be easy for provincial and district staff. Simple instructions should be drafted to guide them. The two PRF MIS officers will also need to be familiar with this process.
2. The new fields to be added to the MIS are as follows:
- New data entry forms need to be developed to capture key data from the Final Inspection Form and subsequent inspections post-handover (quality of completed sub-projects);
- Additional data fields are required from the Sub-Project Implementation Monitoring form to capture operation and maintenance status as well as whether the completed sub-projects are being used or are unused;
- Several (2 or 3) new fields related to the revised PRF Results Framework indicators that are focused on livelihoods and nutrition (from the ‘LONG’ pilot within PRF);
- Modification of the KDP form to capture the funding of Kum ban priorities by other agencies/donors (including government, other development projects and NGOs) based on annual reviews. The new fields will cover: who funds the specific Kum ban priority, the cost estimate for that priority, and the date implementation (construction) of that priority commenced;
- Additional data for sub-projects related to the presence of latrines and water supply systems;
- Developing a simple new data entry form to capture information related to the technical quality of completed sub-projects based on the revised Final Inspection Form completed upon handover to the community The data to be included in the this new data entry form will cover:
· The date of the final inspection;
· Who participated (PRF staff, district officials from the concerned sector, Kum ban Facilitators) as Yes/No;
· A rating of the technical quality of the works upon completion (high quality/satisfactory/marginally unsatisfactory/poor quality).
- Developing another data entry form for periodic inspections subsequent to handover, related to operation and maintenance. The data to be included in the this new data entry form will cover:
· The date of the post-handover inspection;
· Who participated (PRF staff, district officials from the concerned sector, Kum ban Facilitators) as Yes/No;
· Whether an O&M Committee is in place and functioning;
· Whether the infrastructure is being used or not being used at the time of the inspection;
· Reasons if the infrastructure is not used.
The consultancy service period is 2 months starting from May 2015.
2. The PRF would like to invites eligible consultancy firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultancy firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services, including:
- company background including relevant experience of the firm related to the assignment e.g. work of a similar nature;
- Statement of the Consulting Firm’s ability to fulfill all necessary technical, legal, financial and administrative aspects applicable to the contract, including statement of whether the contract will be undertaken: a) solely by the Consulting Firm, b) as a Joint Venture or c) as a Sub-Consultancy Agreement;
- Statement of the Consulting Firms commercial and financial capability to perform the contract including number and qualify of facilities, office equipment etc… and present financial health of the firm;
3. A consultancy firm will be selected under Consultants Qualifications Selection (CQS) method in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines “Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 which can be found at the website:
4. The consulting team will be evaluated based on the following criteria: A technical database design specialist skilled and experienced in database design, competent in SQL Server and familiar with the constraints faced by online databases used in areas with unreliable and slow internet services. This should be clearly evidenced in the specialist’s CV showing similar consultancies completed in the past.
5. Interested consultancy firm may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 8:30 to 16:00 or visit Only selected consultancy firm will be contracted and requested to submit a combined technical-financial proposal.
6. Expressions of interest must be delivered by hand, postal mail, fax or email to the address below by 16:00 hour no later than 11 May 2015.
Attention to: Procurement Team
Poverty Reduction Fund Office
C/O Prime Minister’s Office
Nahaidiew Road, Building 501, 1st Floor
Vientiane, LAO PDR.
Phone: 856-21-261479-80 (ext. 105)
Fax: 856-21-261481